C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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214 lines
/* MSO --> MOREd lists w/ Selection & Output
* J.Ekwall 27 November 89
* Copyrighted to the Public Domain. Unlimited Distribution Authorized.
* User Assumes All Risks/Liabilities.
#include <ctype.h>
#include <gadgets.h>
#include <keys.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdek.h>
char *Documentation[] = {
" MSO [options] [file] ---> Present a List & Output Selection(s).",
" Note: $Pipes are Legal in \"file\" Name.",
" /Cn ---> Specify # of Columns Displayed [n = 1-4;D:4]",
" /N ----> Prefix Selections w/ Item Line Numbers.",
" /R ----> Multiple Selections Permitted.",
" MSO may be Piped In/Out w/o Disrupting List Display/Selection.",
"Last Update: 20 September 91/EK",
/* Declare Golbals */
int CleanUp = FALSE;
int Offset = 1, Bins = 4, Last_Item = 2500;
char Text[32500], *Item[2502], Name[81], FootPrint[4000];
FILE *fp = stdin;
/* Declare ProtoTypes */
int Choose(int);
void Tload(FILE *);
void Usage(void);
main (int argc, char *argv[])
int c, i, Repeats = FALSE, Number = FALSE;
int xx, yy;
char *tp1;
/* Set Option Flags */
while (*argv[1] IS SLASH) {
for (tp1 = argv[1] + 1; *tp1 != NULL; ) {
switch (toupper(*tp1++)) {
case 'C':
c = *tp1++; if ((c < '1') || (c > '4')) Usage();
Bins = c - 48; break;
case 'R':
Repeats = TRUE; break;
case 'N':
Number = TRUE; break;
/* SHIFT */
for (i = 1, --argc; i < argc + 1; i++) argv[i] = argv[i+1];
if (argc > 2) Usage();
if (argc IS 2)
if (*argv[1] IS '$') {
strcpy(Name,"\\STD "); strcat(Name,++argv[1]);
if ((fp = fopen(Name,"r")) IS NULL) { perror(Name); exit(1); }
CleanUp = TRUE;
} else {
if ((fp = fopen(Name,"r")) IS NULL) { perror(Name); Usage(); }
CleanUp = FALSE;
/* Check for Pipe on Stdin */
if (!INFLOW_EXISTS && fp IS stdin) Usage();
/* Load Text Buffer */
Getxy(&xx, &yy); SaveBox(1, 1, 80, 25, FootPrint);
fprintf(stderr,"\nLoading List Buffer. Please Wait.");
/* Display Lists & Capture User Selection */
for(i = 0; (i = Choose(i)) != 0; ) {
if (i < 0) continue;
if (Number IS TRUE) printf("%d ", i); /* Prefix Line # */
for (tp1 = Item[i] + 2; ; ) { putchar(*tp1); if (*tp1++ IS NL) break; }
if (!Repeats) break;
RestoreBox(1, 1, 80, 25, FootPrint); Gotoxy(xx, yy); ShowCursor(0);
if (CleanUp IS TRUE) unlink(Name); /* DEL $Pipe */
int Choose(int Flag)
int c, j, Dx = 0, xx, yy;
char *tp1, Text[81];
static int i, Offset = 0, X = 1, Y = 1;
/* Set Initial Conditions */
switch (Bins) {
case 1: Dx = 40;
case 2: Dx += 14;
case 3: Dx += 6;
case 4: Dx += 20;
/* Don't RePaint on Multi-Selections */
if (Flag > 0) goto ReRun;
/* Clear & Goto Bottom & Set White on Blue & Do Banner */
HideCursor(); Clr(0x0A); RcolorSet(1, 25, 0x1F, 80);
Dwrite(33, 25, 0x1F, "Pg Up/Dwn ESC to Quit.");
Gotoxy(1, 1);
/* Display/ReDisplay a Page of Text w/ Banner */
for (X = 1, i = 1; X < 75; X += Dx) {
for (Y = 1; Y < 25; Y++) {
if ((Offset + i) > Last_Item) break;
tp1 = Item[Offset + i]; Gotoxy(X, Y);
tp1 = strchr(tp1, NL); *tp1 = NULL;
Dwrite(X, Y, 0x0A, Item[Offset + i++]); *tp1 = NL;
/* Do MORE & Set Yellow ">" on First Item */
if ((Offset + i) < Last_Item) Dwrite(1, 25, 0x1F, " --- More --- ");
Dwrite(2, 1, 0x0E, ">");
/* Get User's Input(s) */
X = Y = 1;
for ( j = Offset; j IS Offset; ) {
switch (toupper(Kbq_read())) {
case UP: if ( Y > 1) Y--; break;
case DN: if (Y < 24) Y++; break;
case TAB:
case FWD: if (X + Dx < 75) X += Dx; break;
case BS:
case BWD: if (X > 1) X -= Dx; break;
case HOME: Offset = 0;
case PGUP: Offset -= 24 * Bins; if (Offset < 0) Offset = 0; break;
case END: Offset = 2000;
case SPACE:
case PGDN:
Offset += 24 * Bins;
if (Offset > Last_Item - 24 * Bins) Offset = Last_Item - 24 * Bins;
if (Offset < 0) Offset = 0; break;
case 'Q':
case ESC: return(0);
case CR: /* Select */
i = Offset + (X / Dx) * 24 + Y;
if (i > Last_Item) break;
Dwrite(X, Y, 0x0E, "-"); *Item[i] = '-';
Getxy(&xx, &yy); Dwrite(xx-1, yy, 0x0A, " ");
Dwrite(X+1, Y, 0x0E, ">");
void Tload(FILE *File)
int c, i, x, Mx, Skip_Flag = FALSE;
char *tp1, *tp2;
/* Set Max Item Length */
switch (Bins) {
case 1: { Mx = 77; break; }
case 2: { Mx = 37; break; }
case 3: { Mx = 23; break; }
case 4: { Mx = 17; break; }
/* Load Text Buffer */
tp1 = Text, tp2 = Text + 32495, Item[(i = 1)] = tp1, x = 0;
for (*tp1++ = SPACE, *tp1++ = SPACE; (c = getc(File)) != EOF; ) {
if (c != NL) {
if (Skip_Flag IS TRUE) continue;
*tp1++ = c;
if (tp1 > tp2) {
*tp1++ = NL; *tp1 = NULL;
fprintf(stderr,"Buffer Overflow."); Last_Item = i - 1; return; }
if (x++ IS Mx) Skip_Flag = TRUE;
*tp1++ = NL; *tp1 = NULL; Skip_Flag = FALSE; x = 0; Item[++i] = tp1;
*tp1++ = SPACE, *tp1++ = SPACE;
if (i > 2500) { fprintf(stderr,"Items 2500+ Skipped."); break; }
if ((Last_Item = i - 1) < 1) exit(1);
void Usage(void)
char **dp = Documentation;
for ( ; *dp; dp++) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", *dp);